Thursday, February 16, 2012

chapter #4

1.What legal issues have been involved with fast food franchises?
  A:restaurants belonging to the same chain are frequently being put closer together The franchisees call it encroachment and angrily appose it. Because their sales go down, and draw away customers 

2.In what particular legal action has the Subway fast food franchise been involved? (100-102)
  A:development agents are under constant pressure to keep opening new subways. Agent who fail to meet their monthly sales quotas are sometimes forced to pay the company for their shortfall.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

chapter #3

        Most of them are teenagers, therefore are easier to control. A lot of teens confirm with they get an settle for less because they are barely starting out. Another issue is most of them are illegal immigrants and are an need for a job and accept low pays, an settle with abuse for fear of deportation. They know that if they quit its no big deal for the business because they got a big line of workers wanting to take their place.